What is Stu?

Think of Stu as an Airbnb for music studios. We’re a community of studios and industry professionals who want easy, convenient access to recording spaces.

Is it safe to book with Stu?

All transactions on Stu are handled by Stripe through WooCommerce. Stripe is certified as a Level 1 Service Provider, which is the highest level of certification for payment processors. Stripe complies with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), a set of security standards established by major card brands like Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. You can read more on their website.

How do I list my studio?

Sign up for an account, then hit the ‘submit your studio’ button in the header bar. We currently manually vet and approve every studio that applies.

Why can’t I request a balance payout yet?

You can request a balance payout as soon as the session booked is complete. For example, if your client booked your studio on the 12th August at 4-6pm, you’d be able to request the payout shortly after 6pm.

How can I get in touch?

Please shoot us a DM on instagram @stuforstudios – it’s the quickest way and we’ll aim to respond as soon as we can. You can also email us at stuforstudios@gmail.com.

What are the benefits of being a Stu studio?

If you have a studio space, getting on Stu helps it get seen. We offer 1-1 support, plus we sent renters tailored suggestions for studios that match their criteria – we do our best to match you with renters.

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